Before it cracks, Strengthen your back!
Drooping, or rounding the spine, possibly due to extended periods in an office chair can take a toll on one’s back. Hence, fitness experts usually focus on back strengthening as a remedy to the work-week slump.
What role does our “back” play? Our back supports us, allowing us to stand, bend over, and basically perform all necessary human action.
Individuals who hit the gym frequently leave the exercises for the back for later. 3 main reasons why back strengthening exercises should be included/ importance of back strengthening are:
1 . Helps In Improving Posture:
It is critical to strengthen your back muscles in order to maintain a good posture. As most of us these days are stuck in front of the screen for hours due to our work commitments, our shoulders naturally lean forward. While working out, men usually concentrate on chest exercises which further leads to muscle imbalance and an increased forward bend of the shoulders, creating a hunched posture when they stand. Thus, it is recommended to include different yoga poses, exercises and weightlifting which strengthen back muscles in one’s workout.
2. Helps Prevent Back Pain:
Specialists believe approximately 80% of the individuals will complain of back pain at some point in their lives. A poor posture can also be a reason why one complains of a backache. Thus, making sure you are sitting straight up while maintaining a good posture and including some exercises focusing on strengthening the back in your daily workout routine will definitely help in eradicating the pain.
3. Back Strengthening Provides Strength To Your Spine:
The objective behind strengthening the back is to allow the muscles to support the spine well and combat pressure, this will result in relief from neck and back ache.
The above were 3 main importance of back strengthening.
Humans are sitting more than ever due to the Coronavirus pandemic and, as a result, one’s backs have become weaker and therefore more prone to injury. Moreover adults are likely to suffer through back pain. To avoid this one must practice back strengthening at home with a few easy and helpful back strengthening yoga asana or exercises. No gym required, no fitness studios required.
The 10 Beginner Friendly & Best Back Strengthening Yoga Poses:
- Cat-Cow (Marjaryasana)
- Downward-Facing Dog (Adho mukha svanasana)
- Extended Triangle (Trikonasana)
- Sphinx Pose (Salamba Bhujangasana)
- Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
- Locust Pose (Salabhasana)
- Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
- Half Lord of the Fishes (Ardha Matsyendrāsana)
- Two-Knee Spinal Twist (Jathara Parivartanasana)
- Child’s Pose (Balasana)
The above listed poses/ asanas can be easily practiced anywhere at home in very little space.
In addition you can find a plethora of exercises over the internet or your trainer can help you out with finding the best back strengthening exercises which suits your body type, thus, maintaining the right position of your spine.
Does it really work?
Practicing back strengthening exercises/ yoga asanas for at least three months will make you less likely to use pain medications for back pain. One can start a home practice with as little as 10 minutes per day and can extend the practice up to 45 minutes per day.
Other than back strengthening, the above mentioned yoga poses also help strengthen your ankles, and legs while stretching your thighs, chest, and shoulders. This can help improve your balance while also relieving sciatic pain.
The Bottom Line:
As with all back-strengthening yoga asanas, ensure that you move slowly and deliberately. Never force your muscles if you feel uncomfortable. Take it slow, start with little, be committed and you’ll soon feel your back loosening up as your flexibility improves and your discomfort fades. Keep in mind, it may not be appropriate for everyone. Be sure to talk with your doctor/ physician before starting any new yoga or exercise sessions. They can help you identify any possible risks and help monitor your progress.
7 Responses
Back is a tumultous problem nowadays. One must apply the tips surely to remain fit!
Currently suffering from severe back pain. Hoping the leads mentioned here helps!
Helped a lot! Looking for more of this kind of indulging articles!
Have suffered with back pain from long time sitting work. This blog would get a relief to my pain. Thanks for sharing such helpful article.
This ensures me to take much care on back before it loses it strengths. Highly helpful blog. Keep sharing more like this
Much relatable article for many to understand back strengthening. Useful Post. Will share on my circles to aware of its importance. Cool work.
Well, This is a notable thing for many long sitting corporate works to be cautious on their pose and back strengthening. High quality content and worth of spending time.