Cold Pressed Olive Oil – Healthiest Fat


Olive oil is a fat in liquid form obtained from olives. Considered as the most common cooking oil. Likewise it is also used in pharmaceuticals, Ayurveda, soaps and can be used as beauty oil etc.

Olea europaea (European olive) is the botanical name of  “Olive” and the olive was first domesticated in the Eastern Mediterranean (east of the Mediterranean Sea in Western Asia) 6,000 years ago. Oilves are small, bitter tasting fruit of olive trees. 

It is an evergreen tree, cultivated since ancient times in the Mediterranean for its fruit and the oil obtained from it. The small oval fruit of this tree is eaten ripe (usually black in color) or unripe (usually green in color).

Olives are used in many different ways like olive leaves are used in making ayurvedic medicines, oil is extracted from olive fruit or seed and also its water extracts to cure diseases.

There are many varieties of olives, each variety has a different flavor, texture, and shelf life that make them more or less suitable for different applications. Olive fruit changes color from green to violet, and then black during the stage of maturity. 

Olive oil is both edible oil and essential oil. Naturally comes in a range of colors from light yellow to deep golden to green. The more chlorophyll present in the oil, the greener the product will be and the color might change slightly over time as it oxidizes.  The taste characteristics of this oil depend on which stage of ripeness olive fruits are collected.

Within no time olive oil has become the world’s favorite oil. There are several ways in which this oil is used and is effective. 

Chemical Compositions Of Olive Oil:

The composition is primarily triacylglycerol’s (~99%) and secondarily free fatty acids, mono- and diacylglycerols, and an array of lipids such as hydrocarbons, sterols, aliphatic alcohols, tocopherols, and pigments.

Fatty acids present in Oil of olive are: palmitic (C16:0), palmitoleic (C16:1), stearic (C18:0), oleic (C18:1), linoleic (C18:2), and linolenic (C18:3). Myristic (C14:0), heptadecanoic, and eicosanoid acids are found in trace amounts. 

Nutritional Facts/ Values Of Oil Of Olive:

One tablespoon of olive oil (13.5 g) contains the following nutritional information

  • Calories: 119
  • Fat: 13.5 g (21% of the Daily Value, DV)
  • Saturated fat: 2 g (9% of DV)
  • Carbohydrates, Fibers and Protein: 0
  • Vitamin E: 1.9 mg (10% of DV)
  • Vitamin K: 8.1 µg (10% of DV)


  • Including extra virgin olive oil in the diet helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease. This disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease and a leading cause of dementia.
  • Additionally it helps boost intestinal immunity and by changing the microbes in the gut it also improves gut health. This is useful for people with colitis and other types of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
  • A source of good cholesterol, it promotes the flow of High-density lipoproteins (HDL) which is also called the good cholesterol. And scavenges the blood stream of plaque and toxin formation.
  • Oli of olive can increase the levels of serotonin, the brain chemical that is also called the happiness hormone and reduce the risk or treats depression. 
  • It improves nail health, cracked heels, treats dandruff and helps dilute ear wax. 

How Is Olive And Its Oil Useful In Healing Chakras And Doshas?

DOSHA: Vata dosha governs all the movement in the body and the actions of the nervous system. When our vata dosha is imbalanced, depression occurs. Regular use of Olive oil helps to reduce depression because of its Vata balancing property.

Additionally it also helps to manage constipation, sugar level (diabetes) and minimizes pain because of its Vata balancing properties. 

CHAKRA: When it comes to the center of love and compassion, heart chakra (Anahata) fills and soothes us with the ability to grieve and reach peace, forgiveness and acceptance, love for oneself and others and it balances relationships. Olives are a superb example of nourishing heart chakra. 

Eating fruits and vegetables which are green in color will help balance heart chakra. Consuming more than half a tablespoon of olive oil each day will lower 15% risk of having any kind of cardiovascular disease and a 21% lower risk of coronary heart disease. Olive oil reverses heart failures and is a tasty heart chakra treat. 

In addition it is very high in monounsaturated fats and contains a modest amount of vitamins E and K which helps the heart chakra to open up and gives comfort. 

What Does Research Says About Olive And Its Oil:

  1. Results of a study done in 2017 suggested that the polyphenols (type of antioxidant) in extra virgin olive oil offers protection from cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, stroke, brain dysfunction, and cancer. 
  1. A study in 2013 said, extra virgin olive oil helps protect the nervous system and could be useful for treating depression and anxiety.
  1. Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is associated with enhanced cognitive functions, which means that this oil may have a neuroprotective effect and could positively prevent the development of Alzheimer’s dementia as per research
  1. Extra virgin olive oil is more than a healthy fat as per a research

How Is Olive Oil Different From Other Oils (Uses): 

  1. It is one of the oldest oils that has been used for more than 5000 years with healthy benefits. 

Extra virgin olive oil has a smoke point around  180–215 °C (356–419 °F) which is best for sautéing and baking where as refined light oil of olive has a smoke point up to 230 °C (446 °F) which makes it a better option for frying or cooking at high heat/ temperature. 

Cooking experts and Nutrition agree that one of the most versatile and healthy oils to cook with and eat is olive oil and cooking with it has many health benefits.

  1. It is also best known as a healthy edible oil however it is also used in aromatherapy as a carrier oil. In most cases it is used in massaging, but it can also be diluted with other essential oils and used in room diffusers. It is good for massage in babies when used along with other essential oils.
  1. Moreover it can be used as beauty oil. It has several benefits to the skin when used as beauty oil. Improves skin health by treating inflammation, acne, and dryness as it contains vitamin E.

Reduces wrinkles and signs of ageing as it has antioxidants. It works as a moisturizer when applied to dried skin. It also softens dried hands. 

Has antiseptic and antibacterial properties which can heal minor cuts. 

When Applied to hair, it gives smooth and shiny hair. It also reduces scalp irritation. Likewise there are several more benefits of this oil when applied to skin.

Warning: If you’re allergic to olives, check with your dermatologist before using olive oil on your skin.

  1. Oil of olive is good for the one who is at a high risk of developing heart diseases, when used therapeutically. It cures cancer, helps manage blood clotting’s, it improves blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. Reduces bad cholesterol and is a good source of good cholesterol. 

Olive oil treats depression and anxiety, and promotes brain health. It is a good pain reliever both externally and internally. 

Additionally, if stored properly virgin olive oil can last up to 20 months. It is generally stamped by “best if used by” date, one should check the manufacturing and expiring date before purchasing.


Consuming Oil of olives appears to be very safe and may even improve your health. This oil can be a great alternative to those aiming for a healthy weight loss as it is packed with monounsaturated fatty acids. There are many ways to include this oil in your diet. They are extremely stable, convenient to use and loaded with sufficient nutrients. 

Disclaimer:  The information furnished above is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. If you have a health condition or concern, consult a nutritionist or your alternative health care provider. Always consult a medical doctor/ nutritionist before modifying your diet. If you are suffering from a medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention.

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4 Responses

  1. Heard a lot about the benefits of consuming olive oil. A must try after reading this one!

  2. Lots of ayurvedic and spiritual information is quite impressive. Keep up sharing more!

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